Monday, October 17, 2011

The Candy Bar Family Tree (Infographic)

The other night I was mercilessly bombarded by commercials for, those ads where people learn something about their ancestors that they end up really proud of.  I imagine a site like this won't be needed as Facebook documents the rest of our lives, our children's lives, and sooner or later starts auto-generating profiles for our long-gone ancestors.

In the end, I didn't give my own family information to the website.  I don't want to know if my grandmother's claims about my ancestry is true.  To be honest, I prefer the magic and mystery in imagining that I'm somehow actually related to Henry VII, Pocahontas, and my Father.  Instead, I entered the birth credentials of a Snickers chocolate bar I was keeping safe for somebody (sorry, Jordan.  Someone ate it).  The very next day, a little green leaf appeared on, and you'll never guess what I learned from there.

In a matter of days unraveled the whole family tree before my eyes.  Turns out the ancestral history of your typical Snickers bar is a complex web of scandalous affairs and extramarital lovechilds, real soap-opera caliber stuff.  Whether it is the seductive Caramac (fathered three children); the Crunch Bar outcast (no friends or family); or the whole messy orgy involving Mr. Goodbar, Caramac and 3 Musketeers; the family legacy of a simple Hershey bar will blow your mind*.

Click to view full-size image (1960 x 1080).

What do you think?  I tried to cover the important ones, but are there any favorites of yours that I left out?  How if your favorite related to my favorite (Snickers Bar)?


1 comment:

  1. If there is one thing I've learned, it's this: Hershey's is a whore.
